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Position: Azure Ponceau Stain

Azure Ponceau Stain

Azure Ponceau Stain

Quick total protein stain for membranes
Azure Ponceau detects total protein on nitrocellulose and PVDF membranes, allowing you to check the quality of protein transfer before proceeding with Western blotting. Use Azure Ponceau Stain to quickly make sure that protein transfer as been even across the entire blot, and that no bubbles or other transfer artifacts are present. The staining is reversible and after destaining, membranes can immediately be used for Western blotting.


Quick—protein staining is complete in 5 minutes or less

Reversible—easily destain membrane with water

Compatible—after destaining, PVDF and nitrocellulose membranes are ready for Western blotting


Part Number Name Description Size
AC2125 Azure Ponceau Stain Visible reversible total protein stain for proteins transferred to membrane— sufficient for staining 50 blots 9x7 cm 500 ml