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A Digital PCR Liquid Biopsy Workflow

May 22, 23:00 Beijing time (17:00 Paris time), Dr. Daniel Henaff and Caroline Charky, vice President of business operations of Stilla company will share the "A Digital PCR Liquid Biopsy Workflow for Mutation Detection and Therapeutic Monitoring".

Speaker’s Bio

Daniel Henaff is the R&D Manager at ID-Solutions. After completing his PhD in 2010 at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of Montpellier, he performed post-doctoral training at the University of Montreal and the Centre for Pathogens and Biotechnologies studies. After working on pathogen biology for several years, he is now in charge of the digital PCR and DNA isolation development in the oncology field at ID-Solutions.

Caroline Charky graduated from HEC Montreal with an MSc in management in Technological Entrepreneurship and has more than 15 years experience in life science startups in North America and Europe. Caroline joined Stilla in March 2016, where she serves as VP of commercial operations.


This webinar will outline the entire liquid biopsy workflow from cell-free DNA isolation to mutation detection by Crystal Digital PCR with the Naica System from Stilla Technologies.

Our speakers will focus on detecting EGFR, BRAF, NRAS, and KRAS mutations as well as pediatric and adult cerebral tumor classification panels.

Attendees of this webinar will:

● Understand the liquid biopsy process for EGFR, BRAF, NRAS, and KRAS mutations;

● Learn about the benefits of the Crystal Digital PCR platform in combination with research-use-only kits;

● Hear why digital PCR is a particularly useful technique for the detection of mutations, therapeutic monitoring, and resistance appearance;

● Learn about the different steps of the liquid biopsy workflow, from DNA isolation to DNA quantification and qualification and DNA genotyping, with dPCR multiplex kits

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