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CEO interview :The CEO interview Stilla Technologies by BIOON

Afternoon of April 26, 2018, BIOON interviewed Dr. Remi Dangla, CEO of Stilla Technologies, Dr. Caroline, BD Director and Dr. Alexandra, application specialist, on the technological innovation, application prospects and market of NaicaTM Crystal digital PCR system in-depth communication.

Dr. Remi Dangla told us that the visit was very exciting. He was very impressed by the high-end seminar on digital PCR precision measurement technology held by the China Metrology Society in Beijing on April. He is very pleased to see that they have obtained stable datas on the NaicaTM digital PCR system. At the same time, this companion diagnostic & biomarker precision medical summit will be appreiciate to meet Chinese scientists and know their research projects.

Dr. Remi Dangla believes that Stilla Technologies' digital PCR system can help them achieve more success. For Dr. Caroline and Dr. Alexandra, they were all affected by the enthusiasm of China and they thought it was a good opportunity to experience Chinese culture and they had a deep impression on the great quality and high level researches in China.

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